Title: Catering Tender at Dulverton Primary School Location: Dulverton Road, New Eltham SE9 3RH WWW: https://www.dulverton.education/ The School is seeking a suitably qualified contractor to manage the catering services at the school from 1st August 2024. There are...
Battle & Langton Primary School is a Church of England School for children aged 4+ to 11, and currently has approximately 420 children on roll, divided into two classes per year group. The school is seeking expressions of interest form highly motivated and engaged...
Upton Primary School Iris Avenue DA5 1HH https://www.upton.bexley.sch.uk/ Upton Primary School is located in a beautiful setting in Bexley with substantial open areas for pupils and patrons to enjoy and learn. The School is dedicated to providing the best of...
The Cygnus Academies Trust c/o Manor Community Primary School, Keary Road, Swanscombe DA10 0BU, comprises of 8 schools across Bexleyheath, Dartford and Tonbridge in Kent. Contract Start date: 1st September 2023 Of the eight schools 6 have their own production kitchens...
Illuminate Minds Trust: Food Services Tender Illuminate Minds Trust is seeking expressions of interest from catering contractors who can deliver a sustainable and high-quality catering service to pupils, staff and visitors alike. Illuminate Minds Trust has two sites:...
Mission Statement St. Ronan’s College will nurture a love of learning by recognising and developing the talents of all, in a community where everyone is encouraged and supported to be their best. St Ronan’s College, opened in September 2015, as an all ability Grammar...
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